What is the ticket transfer option, and how do I use it?

You can purchase a ticket then transfer it so they now own and can manage the ticket(s).

  • If you bought a ticket on tkx, you can view the order on “My Account” then the “Order History” tab. You’ll click into Order Details and choose “Transfer” for the ticket you want to transfer. You will need the new owner’s first and last name and email address.
  • The new attendee will receive an email prompting them to claim tickets when you save the change. Once they accept the Transfer request, you will no longer be able to edit the ticket information.

Why should I transfer tickets?

  • Officially transferring a ticket is helpful if the user you are transferring to has a tkx account then this ticket will be stored in their order history and information.
  • They can now view an electronic version of the ticket and will then be able to make any edits to the ticket in their account.